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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


You might ask how we plan to serve others as a digital congregation, but at Peace and Hope, we are committed to sharing God’s love through service to our communities and beyond.

Our mission projects will be performed through two methods:

‘Together, but Apart’ mission projects will create a sense of connection and unity. These will be projects designed to be done locally and celebrated as a community. For example, individuals worshipping with Peace and Hope may pick a week to donate school supplies to a local school. The total amount donated will be celebrated as an example of the reach of the ministry and will be shared and coordinated with local congregations.

In addition, other mission projects will be identified to have opportunities to bring individuals together, where worshippers will meet at a specific location to help with regional needs such as disaster relief or to support building projects.

This page will provide updates of opportunities to serve as the community is established.


You might ask how we plan to serve others as a digital congregation, but at Peace and Hope, we are committed to sharing God’s love through service to our communities and beyond.

Our mission projects will be performed through two methods:

‘Together, but Apart’ mission projects will create a sense of connection and unity. These will be projects designed to be done locally and celebrated as a community. For example, individuals worshipping with Peace and Hope may pick a week to donate school supplies to a local school. The total amount donated will be celebrated as an example of the reach of the ministry and will be shared and coordinated with local congregations.

In addition, other mission projects will be identified to have opportunities to bring individuals together, where worshippers will meet at a specific location to help with regional needs such as disaster relief or to support building projects.

This page will provide updates of opportunities to serve as the community is established.


You might ask how we plan to serve others as a digital congregation, but at Peace and Hope, we are committed to sharing God’s love through service to our communities and beyond.

Our mission projects will be performed through two methods:

‘Together, but Apart’ mission projects will create a sense of connection and unity. These will be projects designed to be done locally and celebrated as a community. For example, individuals worshipping with Peace and Hope may pick a week to donate school supplies to a local school. The total amount donated will be celebrated as an example of the reach of the ministry and will be shared and coordinated with local congregations.

In addition, other mission projects will be identified to have opportunities to bring individuals together, where worshippers will meet at a specific location to help with regional needs such as disaster relief or to support building projects.

This page will provide updates of opportunities to serve as the community is established.

People gathered together in service

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Contact us with any questions you have and a member of our staff will reach out to you!

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2350 Poverty Creek Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060

Computer with an open notebook and pen in front of it

Contact us

To learn more about how you or your ministry can partner with Peace and Hope, contact Pastor Bryan through the contact form below.

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2350 Poverty Creek Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060

Computer with an open notebook and pen in front of it